In Santorini, the first museum in the world for Lost Atlantis!

ατλαντιδα μουσειο

Atlantis is the most famous mythological city in the world. It all began with Plato’s reference to a lost city with a great and advanced civilization. Many parts of the world claim the location of the lost city, but Santorini in combination with the big explosion that took place in antiquity, is one of the most prevalent. So, there was created the first museum in the world for the Lost Atlantis.

It all started with Plato’s reference to a lost ideal city, a city with a great and advanced civilization.

Plato, one of the world’s most famous philosophers, used the history of Atlantis to instill in his students, as an example, the highest moral values that would create an ideal society.

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Plato’s journey that inspired him to write about the “ideal city”

Many parts of the world claim the location of the lost city, but Santorini, combined with the big explosion that took place in antiquity, is one of the most prevalent locations of the city described by Plato.

Based on this theory, the LOST ATLANTIS EXPERIENCE MUSEUM began its operation on May 1, 2019, and became the first museum in the world dedicated to the myth of the Lost Atlantis.

In the museum with the use of modern and innovative technologies you will have the opportunity among others to:
– Learn about the Minoan history of Santorini and the myth of Atlantis with the help of innovative technologies.
– Discover all the evidence that connect Plato’s Lost Atlantis myth with the volcano eruption of the island through interactive videos.
– Explore the largest Atlantis diorama in the world and experience its everyday life through virtual windows in time with augmented reality.
– Follow Plato’s Journey that inspired him to write about the ideal city through an interactive fresco.
– View a Holographic representation of the geological evolution of Santorini island from the prehistoric ages until today.
– The Greek philosopher Plato comes to life in an animated hologram. Converse with him and ask him about his philosophy and the theory that Santorini could be the origin of the Atlantis myth.
– Re-live, with all your senses, the earthquake, the tsunami and the volcanic eruption that led to the destruction of Atlantis in a 9D experience.

For tickets and more information visit https://www. lost-atlantis. com/
